


Main page and general notions.

The AURUS-OLED (PLUS) contains four pages with each eight different buttons. You can thumb through these pages by turning them in a virtual manner. Just stroke with your finger on the hidden buttons to thumb to the next or previous page.

As soon as the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) has been tipped, the main page will illuminate. The eight functions which are defined on the main page must be the functions that the end user needs the most.

In contrast with the sensor- and audio pages, there are no predefined buttons on the main page. The Sensor- and Audio pages contain already all needed settings to regulate the temperature or audio on a user-friendly way. The main page on the other hand will always depend on the domotics project. It is possible to define a sensor or audio function on this page when this function will be used very often.

PAY ATTENTION: there is a difference between an audio-/sensor function and a LCD/VFD (DISPLAY) FUNCTION!
A sensor- or audio function is always linked to one sensor- or audio zone.
A LCD/VFD (display) function regulates the sensor- and audio functions depending on the selected zone on the display. Here you always have to configure a zone-selection button (e.g. 'Display function: sensor: next zone').
TIP: Configure on the first page a coupled sensor function 'preset down' and 'preset up', for the built-in sensor of the AURUS-OLED. This way you will have an easy read out of the temperature in the room where the AURUS-OLED will be placed.

Sensor Page

The sensor page, just like the main page, can be adapted to the customers' wishes. As the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) is extremely suitable for the visualisation and regulation of heating-, cooling-, or fan systems. TELETASK already predefined the functions. The functions on these pages are all LCD/VFD (display) functions. This means that they are depending on the 'zone' button (by default button 7)! A long press on the 'zone' button will lead the user to the page to predefine the temperature presets

How to show the “power consumption” on an AURUS-OLED (PLUS)

When you don’t change anything on the second page of an AURUS-OLED (PLUS), it will automatically display all the different sensors in your project. Any type of sensor will be listed here unless it was removed from the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) using the “Customize this screen – sensor and audio zones” option.

Sometimes it could be interesting to bring forward one of even more of these “sensors” and put them on the first page of the AURUS-OLED. One clear example is to show the power consumption.

To do this, choose a button of the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) that you want convert to a shown value and select “sensor function” under the short press. Next select the sensor you want to display and choose the “show measured value” option.

You will now get the measured value shown underneath the icon. To bring forward the sensor value even more, select the “couple horizontally/vertically” option!

Audio page

The audio page can also be adapted to all the wishes of the end user, just like the main page. As the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) is extremely suitable for the display and control of audio-and video systems, TELETASK already predefined these functions. The functions on this page are all LCD/VFD (display) functions. This means that they are depending on the 'zone' button (by default button 7)!
For track feedback on the AURUS-OLED (PLUS), you have to couple the previous and next buttons.

Extra page

The fourth and last page is completely adjustable to the wishes of the end user, just like the main page. This page contains no predefined functions.

Delete or adapt order

It is always possible to adapt the order of the pages or to restrict the number of pages on the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) to only three, two or even one page.


To move a page:

  • Click on the page you want to move and keep the mouse pressed.
  • Move the page to the new place.


When deleting a page, all functions on the page will be deleted and the page will be moved at the back. A page on which no function is predefined and which is not followed by a page with functions, will not be displayed on the AURUS-OLED (PLUS).

PAY ATTENTION: this page will be displayed in the PROSOFT Suite. It doesn't disappear completely.

Coupling buttons

The AURUS-OLED (PLUS) offers the possibility to couple buttons with each other. When mounting vertically the buttons can be coupled horizontally and when mounting horizontally the buttons can be coupled vertically.

Coupling buttons is only suitable for functions where it makes sense to split the control over two buttons, e.g. control of a curtain/shutter, the control of a dimmable light, the control of a temperature setting.
TIP: always consider the correct way or direction for these functions: up/down, open/close, less/more, in the 'Edit this screen' menu the corresponding arrows can be selected!



  • Click on the first of the two buttons you want to couple. E.g.: button 1.
  • Select under 'short' the first half of the double button combination, f.e. a dimmer or a Display function like 'sensor down'.
  • Click on 'Couple horizontally'.
  • Check the functions which will be automatically defined on this coupled button. In this example = button 2.
  • Click on 'Edit this screen' to finish the details of the coupled buttons: icon, note.

Customize this screen-menu

In this 'Edit this screen'-menu you can adapt the visual details of the touch panels. You can:

  • Change the page name.
  • See a realistic preview of the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) screen.
  • Change or create icons.
  • Adapt the notes.
  • Adapt the sensor- and audio zones.


Page name
the page name is only for use within the PROSOFT Suite.
Show Areas
this way you can see which buttons are coupled and which button you are editing.
Show preview
you will see a visual example of the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) screen.
Every button is provided with an icon and two lines of text (note). The length of the text is limited to the width of the icon. With coupled buttons there is more place for notes. For some functions the second line will be reserved for the indication of the status; e.g. a dimmer where the dim value is displayed in %.
depending on the type of function which is coupled to a button, PROSOFT will suggest an icon. If you want to change this icon, you can choose out of the TELETASK library with existing icons (ranked in different categories) or you can draw your own icon!
Sensor and audio zones
in the underlying screen you can select and reorder the sensor- and audio zones which have to be displayed on the AURUS-OLED (PLUS). All available zones are selected by default.

Draw an icon.

The AURUS-OLED (PLUS) offers the possibility to draw a personalized icon:

  • Click on the work bar beneath the list of icons:


  • Here you can choose respectively 'new icon'- 'edit present icon'-'copy present icon' and 'delete present icon'.
  • A new icon is always added to the list 'user'. Only the self-drawn icons can be changed and/or deleted.
  • The TELETASK icons can be copied. They will be copied to the list 'users' with a new name which was entered in the draw screen.


TIP: the icons of the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) are saved in the .NBT file. They aren't lost when the file is opened on another PC.
Also the self-drawn icons are kept in the .NBT file.


  • Click on 'new icon'
  • Give a name to the new icon.
  • Draw the new icon in the left drawing field:


ON and OFF State
Every icon knows two states: 'ON' and 'OFF'. Normally the 'OF' status is automatically built based on the 'ON' status. This means: the 'OFF' status is identical to the 'ON' status but less clear!

;Draw a custom OFF status'. When this is selected the 'OFF' status won't be built automatically. Now you can provide an adapted 'OFF' status. Example:


TIP: by clicking a field with the left mouse button, you give the selected pixel the selected colour (always 7 colours available).
When clicking this field with the right mouse button you erase the colour of this pixel!

Displaying the Sensor and Audio zones.

In the 'edit this screen'-menu, you can, just like all the other control panels with a display, adapt the displayed sensor- and audio zones. Check the selection field out if you don't want to display the sensor or audio zone.

To change the order you have to select a zone and then click on the large arrow 'up' or 'down'.


Delete the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) memory & demand the version number.

When the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) screen isn't built-up correctly, you can 'delete' this (the icons will be saved in the intern memory of the AURUS-OLED by starting up or after sending the NBT to the Central Unit):

Push LONG simultaneously on the two hidden 'thumb'-buttons until the screen turns black and is re-built.


  • When re-starting the AURUS-OLED (PLUS), the version number of the intern software of the AURUS-OLED (PLUS) will be displayed and the configuration data will be reloaded automatically.

Switch Language

Technical Handbook: