
Send SMS with intellisoftware

Do you want one or more e-mail messages that you send from your TDS exchange via the TELETASK cloud system to also arrive on a mobile phone? You can use a paid third-party service that converts e-mails into SMS messages. For example, you can contact the service of https://www.intellisoftware.co.uk/

It's very useful if you don't want to miss any important message from your TDS system: e.g. water leak, motion detected when you're not at home, children arrived home, ....

What do you need to do to enable this service:

1. Create an account on intellisoftware.co.uk

-You can purchase the necessary 'credits'. An SMS to Belgium costs (dd 2023) 1.5 credits
-You create an access key at Settings/Authentication, choose
'SMTP\E-mail Access key':
SMS Service With TDS 01
SMS Service With TDS 02
SMS Service With TDS 03
You will need this AccessKey and SecretKey in PROSOFT

2. Activate secure e-mail on your TELETASK installation

-Go to TTecomm and activate TSF16100 (REMOTE SERVICES + SECURE MAIL) for the installation (limited annual subscription that includes 'REMOTE SERVICES' and enables remote access to your central unit from PROSOFT).


[+] Enable secure mail in the Extra – Options – Email menu:

[+] Create your relevant message Email: To: contains all recipients, e.g.:

Switch Language

Technical Handbook: