

The Monitor window shows the activity of the Central unit. These are the same logs you can find in the today.log when you choose “Get Log Info ” from the communication/receive Menu. Or from all logs that are stored onto the PC when downloading the logs. The directory is located on:
“C:\ProgramData\TELETASK\LOGS\Serial number CENTRAL UNIT\2014\04” you find log files for each day for that month.
Figuring out what is shown in these logs needs some practice. Each action starts with the time when it occurred. In the monitor this is the Calculated Clock time of the Central Unit. In the stored log files this is the UCT time (in milliseconds from 01/01/1970 0:00). So you need to distract a number of time zones to get the real time.
The rest of the log line contains log data, information, warnings or errors.
A log data line starts with L followed by a Log Type (S,A,V,T,H,P,L,B,D), additional subtypes and parameters.

S (State changed)

Tells you that the state of a function has changed.

L; S; 0, 9, 2, -1
LogState Changed Central Unit nr (0= not linked to a CPU) Function Type (see list) Function Nr. State: (-1=ON, 0=OFF, %)

The State of Timed Local Mood nr 2 is ON.

D (Digital Input Pressed)

Tells that a digital input or pushbutton has been pressed.

L; D; 1, 52, 64, 1, 0
LogDigital Input Press Central Unit nr Function Type (=52) Digital input Nr. Function (Short =1, Long or rising edge=2, released or falling edge=3)Additional info (e.g. 8 = IR command)

Digital input 64 has been pressed shortly.

A (Activate Function)

Activates a certain function/device from a function/input.

L; A; 1, 20, 2; 1, 1, 92
LogActivate DeviceCentral Unit nr (0= not linked to a Central Unit)Function Type (see list)Function NrCentral Unit nr (0= not linked to a Central Unit)Function Type (see list)Function Nr

1, 20, 2
Device/function that is activating another device/function Device/function that is activating another device/function

1, 1, 92
Device/function that is activated by another device/function

Sensor zone nr 2 will act on relay 92.

L; A; 0, -40, 2; 1, 1, 2
Log Activate FunctionCentral Unit nr (0= not linked to a Central Unit)Function Type (-40= GUI or diagnostics, 0 = from other Central Unit)Function Nr (2 in case of -40 = active GUI nr)Central Unit nr (0= not linked to a Central Unit)Function Type (see list)Function Nr

The second activated GUI (or Diagnostics) will switch relay 2.

Remark: A log line with log type A does not contain info on what will happen to the actual device (can be switched on or off or nothing may happen).

V (Analogue Value)

A sensor measured a new value.

L; V; 1, 20, 2; 2905
Log Value (sensor)Central Unit nrFunction Type (see list)Sensor NrValue (Calculation see manual TDS15132)

Sensor 2 measured value 2905 = 17.5°C (2905/10 - 273).

L (Led Feedback)

Tells you that the feedback of a touch panel button changes state.

L; L; 1, 52, 192; -1
Log Led FeedbackCentral Unit nrFunction Type (52 = Touch panel Key)Touch panel Key NrState (-1=ON, 0=OFF)

The feedback of touch panel button nr 192 is ON.

I (Interface Started)

Tells you that an interface is started up.

L; I; 1, 1, 30
LogInterface startedCentral Unit nr (0= not linked to a Central Unit)AUTOBUS NrAUTOBUS Address

An interface has started up with address 30 on AUTOBUS nr 1.

F (Function Set)

A function has been activated from an TELETASK touch panel.

L; F; 1, 2, 87; 1, 1, 30
LogFunction Set (from TELETASK Touchscreen)Central Unit NrAUTOBUS NrAUTOBUS AddressCentral Unit nr (0= not linked to a Central Unit)Function Type (see list)Function Nr

Touch panel with Address 87 on AUTOBUS 2 will switch Relay 30.

T (Tag)

Tells you that an tag or card has been presented to a tag reader.

L; T; 1203620; -1 1, 1, 2
LogTagTag numberAccess (-1=allowed, 0=not allowed)Central Unit NrAUTOBUS NrAUTOBUS address

Tag number 1203620 has been presented to reader with Address 2 on AUTOBUS 1 and access is allowed.

Q (Quarter Total)

Tells you the number of pulses a certain pulse sensor has detected for the last 15 minutes.

L; Q; 1, 20, 3; 1
LogQuarter TotalCentral Unit nrFunction Type (20 = Sensor)Zone NrNr of pulses

Pulse sensor 3 detected 1 pulse in the last 15 minutes.

P (Preset Changed)

Tells you that a Preset of a certain zone has been changed.

L; P; 3, 20, 22, 29; 2955
LogPreset changeCentral Unit nrFunction Type (=20)Zone NrPreset (29= Day, 27=Night, 88=ECO)New Value (calculation see Manual TDS15132)

The Day preset of sensor 22 on central unit 3 has been set to 26,5°C.

B (Unknown Button Pressed)

A button has been pressed but the CENTRAL UNIT doesn’t have any information regarding this touch panel. This indicates an error (probably an interface that is not configured in the .nbt file).

L; B; 1, 1, 11; 5, 1, 0
LogUnknown Button PressedCentral Unit nrAUTOBUS NrAUTOBUS AddressButton Nr on interfaceFunction (see “D”)Additional info

Button 5 of Interface with address 11 on AUTOBUS 1 has been pressed shortly.

C (Central Unit Command)

Tells you that a function on another CENTRAL UNIT will be executed. (only available when multiple CENTRAL UNIT are in one project).

L; C; 3, 1, 16; 3
LogCentral Unit CommandCentral Unit nrFunction TypeFunction NrTarget Central Unit Nr

Relay 16 on CENTRAL UNIT 3 will be switched. (the log line on CENTRAL UNIT 3 would look like: L;A;0,0;3;1,16).

H (Hour)

Indicates The CENTRAL UNIT has sent the current Date/Time to all interfaces. (after Start up and every hour) synchronizes all clocks on touch panels.
||L; |H; |8
Log|Hour|Hour (0-11)

Switch Language

Technical Handbook: